A CONI beidzte Valverdt
2009.02.15. 23:39
A CONI beidzte Valverdt
Az Olasz Olimpiai Bizottsg (CONI) 2009. februr 16-ra beidzte a Caisse d'Epargne spanyol sztrjt, Alejandro Valverdt meghallgatsra.
Az olasz lapok tjkoztatsa szerint: az Olasz Olimpiai Bizottsg az Embrun - Prato Nevoso kztti Tour de France szakasz utn vett vrt a ProTour sorozat 2008-as gyztestl, aminek DNS-t sszehasonlttattk az Operacin Puerto gy egyik, a spanyol sajtban „18-as szm zacskknt” ismertt vlt, mintjval.
Ez a vizsglat a hrek szerint egyezst mutatott ki.
Az gyet Olaszorszg ismert doppingellenes gysze Dr. Ettore Torri fogja trgyalni. Folytats februr 16-n…
Alejandro Valverde a Challenge de Mallorca verseny helysznn tartott sajttjkoztatjn kijelentette:
nem kapott hivatalos rtestst arrl, hogy brmilyen szervezet eltt is meg kellene jelennie.
„Sem n, sem a csapatom nem kapott semmilyen hivatalos rtestst arrl, hogy a CONI vagy brmilyen msik szervezet eltt meg kell jelennem.
Brmely szervezet, brmilyen krst hajland lennk teljesteni, hogy igazoljam rtatlansgomat. „- mondta a spanyol, majd hangslyozta:
hajland lenne vrmintt annak rdekben, hogy bizonytsa az Operacin Puerto gy „18-as szm zacskja” nem az vrt tartalmazza.
„Csak ismtelni tudom magamat, ha hatsgok ignylik, szvesen adok vrmintt brmilyen sszehasonlt eljrshoz.”- jelentette ki Valverde.
Valverde says no summons received
Alejandro Valverde (Caisse d'Epargne)
Photo ©: Franklin Tello
Caisse d'Epargne's Alejandro Valverde denied any notification of a summons from the Italian Olympic Committee (CONI) to appear in Rome regarding alleged ties to the 2006 doping investigation Operacin Puerto.
Valverde, now participating in the Challenge de Mallorca, issued a statement addressing what he described as "reports in the Italian media", though, in fact, CONI had also published notice of the summons on its website.
"I can assure you that neither I nor my team has received any notification to appear before the CONI or any other organization," said Valverde. "I reiterate my complete willingness to appear before any organization which requests my presence to collaborate with the aim of clearing up everything connected to doping."
He expressed surprise and indignation with regard to the alleged causes of his summons and emphasized that any testing from the controls taken in the Prato Nevoso stage of the 2008 Tour de France did not produce abnormal values.
"In the hypothetical and unacceptable case in which the controls to which I was subjected during the Tour [de France] would be used as a basis for charges derived from evidence existing within the framework of the Operacin Puerto, I can only repeat one more time that I have said many times that I was ready to let my blood values be compared with the evidence ... provided that the competent authorities request me to do so.
"All who insinuate directly or indirectly my participation in any illicit affair without proof are harming my image and those of my team and its sponsors," said Valverde, who threatened "appropriate legal proceedings" in response.
Cycling News Flash, February 11, 2009
Valverde summonsed for Operacin Puerto in Italy
By Gregor Brown
Spaniard Alejandro Valverde, 28, summonsed by the Italian Olympic Committee (CONI)
Photo ©: Franklin Tello
The Italian Olympic Committee (CONI) summonsed Spanish Champion Alejandro Valverde to appear in Rome for possible ties to the 2006 doping investigation Operacin Puerto. The CONI anti-doping prosecutor requested the Caisse d'Epargne rider, winner of two stages in the 2008 Tour de France, to appear February 16 at 12:00.
The Italian Olympic Committee reportedly has linked DNA samples taken from last year's Tour de France – presumably the stage into Italy, July 20 – to blood seized in the Operacin Puerto investigation. In May 2006, Spain's Guardia Civil collected coded blood bags during its raid on the offices of Doctor Eufemiano Fuentes. (Read EPO blood bags attributed to code names.)
Internal documents from Madrid's Court 31 allegedly link Valverde to confiscated blood via codes Valv, Piti and 18. Despite attempts in the past years, authorities have not been able to prove links or stop Valverde from racing.
Valverde started his 2009 season this week in the Challenge Mallorca. His palmarès includes victories in two editions of Liège-Bastogne-Liège, the 2006 Flèche Wallonne and the International Cycling Union's (UCI) ProTour classification in 2006 and 2008.